Submit Mirror Information

If you would like to submit information about a mirror of Debian, you can do so using the form below. Information provided will be displayed in the mirror list.

Please note that all submitted mirrors should follow the rules and guidelines laid out in our documentation. In particular,

Basic information

New mirror submission       Update of an existing mirror

Mirror name:

Enter the paths to the Debian mirror on your site in the fields below. Leave non-relevant fields blank.

Packages archive, over HTTP: The archive needs to be available at /debian.
Packages archive, over rsync: If you offer rsync, debian is suggested as module name.

Information about the mirror site

Mirrored architectures:
Name of site maintainer:
Public e-mail of site maintainer:
Country of site:
Location of site (optional):
Name of site sponsor (optional):
URL of site sponsor (optional):

Your site should appear on the list within a couple of weeks, as soon as a human operator verifies it and includes it. We will email you in case of any problems with the submitted entry.

If you don't get any feedback within three months, you can contact us at